Enhance your Discord server with advanced voice features
View voice activity of users in your server with detailed rankings and customizable time periods.
Visualize server-wide statistics to identify patterns and enhance community interaction.
Track your voice activity with detailed statistics. See your voice time in each period and view which channels you are active in.
Gain detailed insights on voice channel usage and user voice activity.
View voice activity of channels in your server with detailed rankings and customizable time periods.
Track your voice activity with detailed graphs. View your voice durations for each period.
Analyze activity trends in individual voice channels and optimize usage and engagement.
VoiceStats is a free Discord bot that provides advanced voice activity tracking and statistics for your Discord server. Voice activity ranking, channel statistics, and more!
VoiceStats Bot is completely free, but if you want to access extra features, you can purchase a VoiceStats Premium membership.
You can get support for VoiceStats Bot through the /help command or by joining our support server.